The Miraculous is a musical rollercoaster between darkness and serenity. This album is a body of work so modern, beautiful and challenging in many aspects that it deserves a special place in the music Olympus.
Anna Von Hausswolff, on her third album, offers a magnificent portrait in music of gothic litherature, history and fantasy. That same fantasy that populated the heart and soul of the young artist from Sweden during her childhood. The Miraculous is a place that Von Hausswolff has idealised for many years, when bedtime stories related to the album title brought in her sleep journeys made of terror, magic and loss.
The Miraculous is an outstanding journey into creativity and talent. Von Hausswolff's voice offers, throughout the album, an array of peaks, curves, highs and lows, showing a remarkable amount of flexibility and power at the same time.
Musically, the album is almost a cinematic dream. One of the secrets of the fabulous sound springing out of The Miraculous comes from the use of the Acusticum Pipe Organ from PiteƄ, Sweden, with the impressive amount of nine thousand pipes. Together as an organ, this magnificent instrument incorporates built-in glockenspiel, vibraphone, celeste and percussion adding to the core of this album, a unique wall-of-sound.
The title track is ethereal, with slightly dark Popol Vuh-type music passages at times, dominated totally by the purity of Von Hausswolff's voice and the remarkable sound of the organ above mentioned. Come With Me/Deliverance is exhilarating and intense, An Oath is an ode to seductivity, with Von Hausswolff drawing you in with her beautifully unique singing voice.
An artist like no other in the music business. A record to cherish and love. Album of the year.
Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
The Miraculous can be purchased via Amazon
Anna Von Hausswolff's The Miraculous Tour Dates: